POLICE — Police in Palmetto say a 34-year-old grandmum has
turned herself in to face charges that her 13-month-old grandson
ingested cocaine while in her care.
Police said Ebony Daniel turned herself in late Tuesday afternoon on
charges of possession of cocaine, cruelty to children and reckless
conduct. WSB-TV reports police are still looking for her 22-year-old
boyfriend, Charlie Martin.
Ebony Daniel's daughter, Andrica Daniel, said she asked her mother
and the mother's boyfriend to watch her son, Jay'von Daniel, while she
took a shower Saturday. She told WGCL-TV that she knew something was
wrong when she got out because the boyfriend was looking for his crack
cocaine. She took the child to the hospital, where he tested positive
for crack cocaine. He was released from the hospital Monday.
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