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Illinois: 35-year-old Gerardo Oruzco was arrested for leaving his 1-year-old
and 3-year-old kids strapped inside a broiling hot car without food or
water while he was inside a bar with a woman drinking and doing lines of
cocaine. The kids were spotted by a stranger on Friday in 80-degree
weather, leading to the Cicero, Illinois’ dad’s arrest
The two boys are fine now, and were treated for dehydration. Oruzco was
charged with two counts of reckless conduct and child endangerment. He
was being held on $250,000 bail by Judge Adam Bourgeois, notes
According to the
Houston Chronicle,
“33 American kids died from hyperthermia when left in hot cars in 2011,
while so far this year seven have died. And about half were forgotten
by caregivers. From 1998 to the present, 534 little ones have died when
left in a hot car, for an average of 38 such deaths per year.”
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